Yes Yes Yes
Revolutionary Press in Italy
Continuing the international research of Yes Yes Yes alternative press, Colli showcases the Italian scene of revolutionary Italian printing from '66 to '77. This journey encompasses all facets of publishing, from ideological to independent, to countercultural and artistic, at a crossroads that offers a singular realm of creativity and social imagination. The Italian situation during that period outlines a complex landscape of currents, movements, and political-aesthetic actions: Beat, Provotariato, Situationism, Political agitation and struggle, Counterculture, Counter-project, Feminism, Poetic struggle, Proletariat, Rejection of work, Celebration and total revolution, Post-situationism and neo-dada, Punk, and the '77 Movement. Amidst the discharges of "No" and "against," there are the "flashes of love," radical and creative publications, artistic forms, and Situationist commitment and adventure.
The featured artists in the exhibition from that editorial era are Fernando De Filippi, Pablo Echaurren, Ugo La Pietra, and Gianni Emilio Simonetti, who, with "historical" works aligned with those dates, reinterpret that rhetoric and typographic commitment through artwork and printed documents.
The magazines, which will be displayed "in contact" with the artworks, have been selected to highlight sections, combinations, and influences. The selected publications include A. Rivista Anarchica, A/Traverso, Brera Flash, Bandiera Rossa, Cannibale, Carta Stampata, Cerchio Magico, Che fare, Cia Book Book, Come in Germania?, Comontismo, Dalle Cantine Frocie, Fallo!, Frankenstein, Fuck, Fuori!, Hemicromis, Get Ready, King Kong International, Inpiù, Insurrezione, L’uno, La rivoluzione, Le Operaie Della Casa, L’erba voglio, Limenetijena, Le Streghe, Lotta Continua, Lotta Femminista, Mo’ Che Il Tempo S’avvicina, Mondo Beat, No, Oask?!, Pantere Bianche, Paria, Potere Operaio, Puzz, Re Nudo, Roman High Roma Sotto, Rosso, Salvo imprevisti, Sex-pol, Una tazza di the, Viola, Vogliamo tutto, Wow, Zut.
Within the exhibition program, a publication-catalog titled "YES YES YES REVOLUTIONARY PRESS IN ITALY, '66-'77 from Mondo Beat to Zut" will be presented. This publication is edited by Viaindustriae publishing, Ambookstore, and COLLI publishing platform.