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Stampa Programmata

Dexter Sinister

€ 450,00 

COLLI publishing platform

Dexter Sinister - Stampa Programmata

2017. 4 color screenprint on 120 gsm white uncoated paper, editon of 50 copies numbered and signed. 100 x 70 cm, produced for the exhibition 'Meet the Tetracono', COLLI, Rome.

Dexter Sinister

Stampa Programmata

€ 450,00 

The Tetracono is a commercial product and art edition designed in 1965 by Bruno Munari for Danese Milano. It is an austere 15-cm black steel cube housing four aluminum cones, each painted half-red and half-green, and designed to spin at four distinct speeds on an 18-minute cycle completing a slow transition from green to red. Its function according to Munari is to "show forms while they are in the process of becoming." This screenprint uses the 4-color Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black printing process to capture 4 distinct moments in this 18-minute cycle in one composite image. The Cyan plate is taken from 3 minutes into the 18-minute cycle. The Magenta plate is taken from 6 minutes into the 18-minute cycle. The Yellow plate is taken from 9 minutes into the 18-minute cycle. The Black plate is taken from 12 minutes into the 18-minute cycle. Printing all four plates on top of each other produces a kind of "time sandwich," the impossible image of the Tetracono as it changes.

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